The sooner you start, the greater your choice. Signing up on the PEI Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Registry as early as possible will ensure you have the best chance to find care that meets your needs in the time frame you require. Once you determine your needs and create a ELCC Registry account, sign up to as many centre wait lists that fit your needs as possible. We recommend also making in-person visits to confirm the centre is a good fit for you and your family. Visit the ELCC Registry at: rolex replica
First you must determine: What date do you want your child to start attending child care? What location suits your family best? Do you prefer a larger EYC or Private Centre, or would you prefer family home care? Is it important that the early childhood educator is professional, certified, and the centre is licensed? After considering your family's needs, it is a good idea to visit a number of early childhood programs in your desired area. We suggest calling to make an appointment with the supervisor to visit the facility either with or without your child.
The Child Care Subsidy Program is administered by the offices of the Department of Social Development and Housing in order to help parents with the cost of licensed child care. Full or partial subsidy is available to pay tuition costs for early childhood programs licensed by the Early Learning and Child Care Board, including child care centres, nursery programs, family day care homes, and before and after school programs. Any island family needing child care may apply. The amount of subsidy depends on the net monthly family income, and is determined by a Sliding Scale Income Test based on family size. Contact: Charlottetown 368-6470 | Summerside 888-8245 | Montague 838-0700 | Souris 687-7170 | O'Leary 859-8837 rolex replika
Early Childhood Educators are the cornerstone to early childhood development and education. They are trained in early childhood education, and are specialized in child development and program planning/implementation. An effective ECE will: ensure that the environment and care provided promote the well-being of the children in their care; establish a working partnership with parents which supports their relationship to their children; develop and maintain communication with each child; plan and provide daily learning opportunities, routines and activities which promote positive child development; observe and respond to children's activity and behaviour; and support the development and learning of individual children within the context of family, culture and society.
Early Years Centres (EYCs): licensed; designated by the Government of PEI; have regulated parent fees; have trained and certified staff on a wage grid; follow an early learning curriculum framework. Private Centres: licensed, meet regulatory requirements such as safety, space, staffing ratios, and staff training; set own parent fees; select own curriculum.
Licensed centres are monitored and regulated by the Early Learning and Child Care Act and Regulations. The Early Learning and Child Care's function is to license child care facilities, and to enforce the Regulations to the Early Learning and Child Care Act. Licensing requirements deal with such areas as staffing requirements, health, safety, fire, emergency, daily program schedule, nutrition, and administration. The full list of licensed child care providers can be found in the Directory of Licensed Early Childhood Programs: repliki zegarków
Licensing requirements deal with such areas as staffing, health, safety, fire, emergency, daily program schedule, nutrition, and administration. If you have a concern about these areas and have addressed them to the staff of the centre, you may also call the Early Learning and Child Care Board at 902-368-6518.
You and your child's early childhood educator are working together for your child's healthy development. Here are some ways to participate: volunteer for a special event at the centre; volunteer to read a story or do an activity with the group; talk, write, or call your child's educator; ask your child what he/she did today; share big events with your child's educators, such as family visits, vacations, or a change to your family; try to feel comfortable about sharing any of your concerns, and always remember to express your appreciation!
If there are any other questions you have please contact us for more information!
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